Monday, August 27, 2012

Pudding (Megan)

Dearest René,
I am in desperate need of your advice! I need a counter spell for the most peculiar of problems and I'm sure somewhere in your massive library you have a book that could help me in my research. I shall have to tell you from the start in case there is some detail I have overlooked.

Early this afternoon I was cooking in my back room, making some of my famous pudding for the annual wizard gathering in the mountain castle (do tell me you are going dear? It's been quite some time since I've seen you last) when Persephone came into my kitchen and jumped on the table top. My cats are very well behaved, especially Persephone, the hours she takes cleaning her fur to the very milky whitest she can get.... anyway with my attention thoroughly caught she twitched her tail and jumped off the table through the hallway. I was slightly annoyed she didn't choose to voice her opinion as cats can, but such are the ways of cats.

 I wasn't even halfway through the house when I could hear some kind of commotion coming from my front lawn. I swung the door open and what a sight! Gerald, the large black and white long hair, was up in my enchanted bloom cherry tree doing a valiant job of scaring off vultures while making quite a fuss. He can yowl as well now as he ever could. Vermillion, Twocents, and Tisk had set up a perimeter around the very dissembled giraffe in my front yard. 

I have never seen such a distressed creature in all my life. It's tongue was rolling out of it's mouth and limbs were all askew. Like a teenage boy who doesn't know what to do with his suddenly long limbs and just decides to flop on the floor in a tangle. The giraffe eyes were far too intelligent and I assumed right away that I was dealing with an enchantment. It seemed to understand me well enough when I asked him questions, and tried to reply but the long giraffe tongue hanging out of it's mouth made very interesting noises. I did my very best not to laugh. 

I brought him around the house to the back porch to set up a place to examine the poor thing. This took a considerable effort, but I won't bore you with the details. Simply put the easiest way to move the creature was by rolling him. Anyway while examining the very exhausted and exasperated creature (I believe it now to be a he). As soon as I began examining the enchantment I tripped a hidden trap spell that began shrinking my visitor at a most alarming rate. I found a freezing spell for it and quickly enacted it, but the fellow is now in full height no taller than my elbow. Luckily it wasn't to scale exactly, and it seems like it took a great deal of length out of his neck. He's stable now, and much less limb-y than when I first met him. I believe he will be staying with me and my cats for a few days. Tisk in particular seems intrigued by the visitor in direct contrast to Persephone who ignores him rather pointedly.

In conclusion, I most thoroughly burned my pudding and am rather stumped by the spell. Please write and advise me what to do with this peculiar manner.

Much love, your wizard and friend
